Dear Sirs:

I sent the following note to the editor of the Los Angeles "Times":

"In the lengthy, laudatory account of Bill Tilden's life and passing which appeared in the "Times," there was not a single word that pertained to the late gentleman's mifortunes and mistakes.

"What in the world is Modern Journalism coming to?

"With rapt appreciation of the human decency thusly expressed, I thank you." A friend of Tilden's and the "Times."

H. P.


I have received my first copy of ONE today and naturally enjoyed the feeling that here was a real attempt in America to follow the European road to greater understanding and an eventual National Representative Congress.

I am a bit at a loss to know what the references to the Mattachine Foundation mean since I have not read previous issues of ONE. Is there literature put out by them that I might see? I could even help as a volunteer "Anonymous" worker perhaps in New York. I only hope it can help ONE financially get started.

A suggestion re your cover. Since you are mailing ONE in such a flimsy wrapper, out of which it is very easy to slide the magazine and hence see the cover, would it not be wiser to leave the word "homosexual" off the cover. It strikes terror into the hearts of so many homosexuals who would like to subscribe to the magazine but could not run the risk of having it around. You know mothers, unsuspecting friends, girl-friends (sic) and even employers. As a matter of fact, it will probably lead me to send you my 40c next month, if the next cover is similar to April's. If you are not going to have newsstand sales do you need any editorial or content matter on the cover? Would not the very good looking abstract pattern alone be sufficient and keep it on every issue so it will become a familiar "friend" to look for in the mail.

Good luck

D. H.

We are on the stands and if nothing but our name appeared on the cover, your potentially offended snoopers would be sure to open and, God forbid, read it! Gentlemen,

I am now a subscriber to your magazine which I am very pleased with. It is small but I hope it grows bigger and bigger and better. I hope the Editors keep a close eye on the items inserted, for if we want to advance into our present society we don't want people to read our magazine and think it's vulgar, let's keep it so we wouldn't be ashamed if our mothers picked it up.

I am all for this magazine and for the Mattachine Foundation, for something must be done. The Vice Squad is terrible in Los Angeles, I am from New York City and can't seem to see the difference between the Gestapo of Germany and the Vice Squad of Los Angeles. No one is safe or has any rights, according to them both.. Enclosed find an item dramatizing what I mean. I notice that "Florabel Muir" seems to be against this type of handling by the Vice. A few of her articles in the Mirror spoke out against them. I think she should be commended by ONE and the "Mattachine Foundation." We should get behind any and everybody who speaks out or fights for civil rights. And by the same token speak out against people like Edith Gwynn of the Mirror who has a slant toward any and all vulgarity and respect toward none.

K. L.

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